An entrance marks the face of a building. An automatic door entrance welcomes visitors warmly, casually asserting its personality. The Teraoka Stainless stainless steel sash, in addition to steel sash doors, are the culmination of Teraoka’s automatic door design know-how accumulated over many years.
・Stainless steel is renowned for its superior durability and elegant shine. Teraoka Stainless makes use of this material to produce only the finest entrance.
・Teraoka Stainless is a total package featuring both automatic door and sash, providing a comfortable and functional automatic door entrance.
・Our high processing precision, reliable construction technology and thorough maintenance system ensure peace of mind.
・Our products are subject to high-precision processing under a strict quality management system in designated factories across Japan. They are then delivered to one of our 80 dealers for installation using our proven set-up techniques.